Friday, January 14, 2011

Some Pictures and One Week in Italy

Perugia is the "City of Endless Views." Got that right!

This entry brings not entirely good news. I seem to have hit a bit of a skid in my Italian adventure. It’s the first low I’ve had but it was really, really low.
Mary and I both got sick with the most horrible 24 hour virus thing ever. I seriously have never wanted to be home so badly in my entire life. Not that it would have helped with being sick, but something about not being able to see my momma when I was throwing up every 20 minutes made me super sad. I couldn’t even talk to her that much since the time zone shift makes timing really awkward for stuff like frantic phone calls.
Morgan and Mary were joking that they expected me to try and weasel my way out of bed to go to class, but I couldn’t even try. It sucked to miss an entire 4 ½ hours of Italian that I’m sure could have been useful, but I needed to stay in bed… I’m sad since we found out that Francesco isn’t going to be our Italian teacher and I missed one of only four days with him. Oh well.
I’m feeling better now, but this sickness and such made me kind of question everything. Like, why did I decide to do this? Why did I think it was a good idea to come to a country where I have no knowledge of the language? When is it going to feel worth it? I know that by the end of this everyone says I won’t want to leave, but right now I just want to be home in my bed. And where people speak English.
Slightly funnier note: our apartment is kind of a wreck. I mean, Mary and I tried to work the stove today and it just blew cold air at us for a while before we decided to awkwardly reheat some leftover pasta (fail). Mary nicknamed it our Not-Easy-Fake-Oven. We’ve had a lot of things fixed in the past few days but we still haven’t worked all of the kinks out yet. I kind of wish I could just fast forward a few weeks until I can actually speak some Italian, use our apartment properly, and am adjusted to living here. I know that it’s a part of the experience, but it’s really difficult to get used to. Everyone is really nice and helpful though, so hopefully things work out.
This marks the first full week in Italy and while it was mostly good, it was quite a reminder of how I’ve left everything I’ve ever known and it’s not going to be easy to fit into a new place and society. I had trouble sleeping last night because I was nervous thinking about everything that I wanted and had to do. Not good. And people make really weird sounds on our street and the garbage trucks are really loud. Every noise sounds like it’s literally in our room. It certainly makes things difficult for a light sleeper. Fortunately I left a pretty big window for sleeping, so I was still able to keep recovering from being sick.
I’m glad I’m feeling better health wise. Just gotta get used to this whole Italy thing.

Also, please note that I do not have Wi-fi in my apartment, so I write my blog posts as I feel them and post them whenever I can. It's not exactly up to the moment on how I'm feeling, but it's the best I got right now.

Italy is still beautiful and amazing. In time I'm sure I'll be saying "I wish I hadn't wasted any time worrying!"


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