Monday, November 17, 2014

Abs for Days (Obliterated by Turkey)

Hello all!

I've been having some stressful days at school, but that makes for really fun weekends (kind of).

Last Tuesday (11/11) was Pepero Day! 1111 looks like pepero sticks, so kids bring them and give them to friends, teachers, "love interests" and whatnot. I was surprised that I got any, and all of it is awesome.
Pepero day swag.
On Thursday there was Sooneung, the giant, terrifying, all-consuming College Scholastic Aptitude Test that is given once a year and is suuuuuuuuper important for Korean students. No one makes noise. Planes can't land. I got to be at school at 9:50 instead of 8:30 to allow all students to get to the testing sites and allow them to settle into the test. It is not great for them, but awesome for me. I hope you all did well, Korean students!

We had school pictures taken. Mine was a hit.
We had pictures taken, and they photoshop the shit out of them. When everyone got their pictures, all of the Korean teachers were complaining that they didn't look like themselves. So Jung asked to see mine, and I showed her, and she said something that I must assume meant "Francesca ACTUALLY looks good" because all the other teachers demanded to see mine. My photo was met with a "WAHHHHH SO PRETTY" and "You look better." But then no one would show me theirs, so that was strange. I think the guy photoshopped their eyes to look bigger (from what I saw of So Jung's when she showed me "It is not me") but that doesn't always work well. Anyway, I was pretty pleased.

This week, to let loose from the stress (of teaching English, having a substitute coteacher, miscommunications about cancelled/not cancelled classes resulting in me unnecessarily having to do a make up class for something that is entirely not my fault, breaking up a fight in fourth grade, and having to do a lot of last minute prep for my club activity's play in English), I got a taste of some familiar things.

First, on Friday, Tina, her awesome coteacher Young Ah, and I went to see the Mr. Show (again for me and Tina). It was really fun to see with a Korean! She translated some parts of it, and was hilarious to sit with.
Life in Korea is hard. Like these abs.
Quick summary of the Show: the too long, did not read (TL,DNR) version: IT WAS AWESOME I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HAVING A LAP DANCE FROM A HANDSOME KOREAN MAN.

We thought we would for sure be noticed, since we are foreigners and in the second row, and I was hoping to get onstage. I would also like to point out that Tina left during the show and it was no problem to get back in. They didn't make her wait outside for 20 minutes.

At one point during the show they rip off their white tshirts and throw them to the audience. One almost landed on my head. Some women behind me clamored to get it and some of the women looked surprised that I hadn't snatched it. A sweaty, ripped, plain white tshirt is strangely high on my list of "things I don't need."

We were about level with the stage, and sure enough, we got noticed. The MC was the same one Tina has seen every time, but he didn't recognize her. He just said "OH WE HAVE SOME FOREIGNERS" and came over to us. He made us play rock paper scissors to decide who would go on stage. Tina won, and I was totally fine with letting her go (I am planning on seeing the show one last time with my coteachers once Su Hyeon gets back from her education thing) and with Young Ah there I thought she would like it. Tina graciously switched with me after having great difficulty getting a word in to the MC.

Don't worry Tina! You impressed them with your Korean and were adorable!

Anyway, I got onstage. I wanted to pick a different guy that Tina had, but the ajumma who picked first picked my first choice. The MC kept forgetting my name (Koreans cannot say my name with any ease) and I eventually picked Chris, the same guy Tina had. He took my hand and did one of those "presenting my partner and bowing" things before he abruptly, unceremoniously, and not at all unpleasantly scooped me up off my feet bridal style and literally tossed me into the air. I must admit, being manhandled by a handsome guy who could bench press probably double my weight was thrilling.

Thankfully he carried me over to the chair located right in front of our section, so I could see Tina and Young Ah when i wasn't distracted by the ludicrously hot man dancing like inches away from me. I could not believe how solid this human being was. He must spend like all his waking hours at the gym. He was very smiley, which I think might have been because I was dancing around in my chair, made a lot of awkward eye contact with him, and was smiling like a freaking lunatic the whole time. He asked me "Is it okay?" or "are you okay?" before he did every step of the sequence, so it was nice.

People kept waving to me after the show and Young Ah was in a blissful mood. Her one point "Where did they find such tall Koreans? Where are all of them?" Which is true. Although these are supposed to be like the sexiest guys in Korea, and they did not disappoint.
This is a picture I took before the show. Incidentally, the guy I have my hand on is Chris, the one that the fates conspired to allow me to touch his solid abs in real life. Destiny right there.

Saturday was a complete 180. We tried to go see the Pikachu parade (South Korea won some pokemon tournament thing) but it got cancelled because there were too many people. Buhhh,

We still had a fun day wandering and shopping.
Jeepney! Janell embracing her roots.

I will never outgrow Pikachu

Tournament and stuff

The girls and our main man

Bought some hair bows!

Gotta accessorize.
On Sunday we complete the track from adult entertainment to childhood to being an adult again and thinking about family. We went to the US Army base near Itaewon for a regular Thanksgiving dinner!

I miss my family, but it was great to spend time with the family I made here. Thanks, Tina (obviously family...), Lauren, Ga Hyeon (Lauren's Korean boyfriend), and Janell for being part of my Korea family!

The food was awesome. There was Mac & Cheese, green beans, corn, amazing stuffing, mashed potatoes. and duhhhhh turkey! And dinner rolls. And pumpkin pie! All the fixins for a regular feast. We all ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, as per Thanksgiving tradition, then took part in some line dances (you know, the electric slide, Cha Cha slide and any other dance they play to get people to the dance floor). Then we all died.

We were so tired after, but so full of good food that it was awesome. I actually got a lot done in my apartment when I got home, which is unusual.

Alas, after a bad night of sleep and a stressful Monday, here I am catching up on my blogs and shows. I'm looking forward to a hectic week and hopefully a nice, calm, relaxing weekend.



Kyuhyun is my (usually) favorite member of Super Junior, and we have all been clamoring for a solo album for him since we heard him sing. He finally released a ballad album for fall!

Some lyrics (thanks Tina)
Today, like a fool, I'm standing at this spot
Getting wet in the rain

Waiting for you, who won’t come
I was happy
At the memories of holding hands and walking together,  I look back
In case you are standing there...

It's fantastic. He's fantastic. Swoon.

That's all for now! I'm off to study Korean!

I'll keep living my dreams, you keep living yours!

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