This week was lots of hot weather and English camp, so not so much fun stuff going on.
It didn't rain this much but it was super hot and humid. |
Timehop reminded me of what I can look forward to, |
How I feel about Pokemon Go/Kpop/LIFE |
Wednesday we went to see Train to Busan, as zombie movie starring my first love Gong Yoo.
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He's So Jung's ideal type. |
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In a zombie apocalypse, this man will surely save us. |
Watch the trailer. It's awesome.
So we got Coffee Bean after since it's my favorite and Grace's, and we just chatted forever and it was wonderful.
Grace and I take the same subway line home, so we went together.
In the movie, there's a big scene with escalators. A bunch of areas are roped off, and they are forced to go down the escalators unaware that the zombie outbreak already hit there, so then suddenly they have to turn around and go back up. It's terrifying.
So when Grace and I saw this on our way down to our subway line, we almost peed our pants.
are we in Busan haeng?? |
Everyone see it!
Friday was craft day in camp and we made fans.
I'm not super artsy so I chose a design that has minimal effort. Rilakkuma! |
Bigger than my face! |
Also my face size. |
Playing cat games:
Doesn't look like that's quite right. |
Saturday Tina and I were lazy til the evening when we met Grace and Jonghyuk at Hyehwa for a raccoon cafe experience, then Mix and Malt since JH has never been.
Dancing with the raccoon. This guy works there otherwise why would you be so close to it. |
Turning off the lights. |
They're so cute but I cannot help but panic when they get near me. |
It wanted her bracelet |
Laughing in terror |
We met up with Helen and got Mix and Malt, which is always delicious.
Then we got ice cream because why not.
It's fun to be around people and speaking alternating Korean and English. It's gonna be weird to not have that when I go home.
Tina introduced me to a show called "W" or "Two Worlds" and I am in looooooooooove.
It's the same writer team that did one of my faves, Queen In Hyun's Man, and the actor I like from many dramas is the lead.
Lee Jong Suk is always adorable as a lead, but this time he's even a lot sexy haha. I loved him in Pinocchio and I Can Hear Your Voice, and he is a great lead in this one too.
Lee Jung Suk plays Kang Chul, a manhwa (In Japan, manga, in English, comic/cartoon I guess) webtoon. When the author tries to kill the character, the main girl (Han Hyo Joo) gets dragged into the manhwa and saves him, inadvertently altering the storyline and becoming a character. She goes back and forth between the two worlds, and Kang Chul's character begins to become aware of his situation as a fictional character.
Only 4 eps are out but holy hell am I 100% invested. It's sooooooooooo good! I love the main character and the fact that it plays on some of the funny things that happen in manhwas. For instance, she knows that she can only leave when a chapter in Chul's story ends, so she tries ridiculous things to shock him to leave a cliffhanger so she can get back to her world. And Chul often complains about "context" and how the events in his life don't make any sense. Someone tries to murder him and the truck has no license and the driver never stopped and then the truck disappears after driving away. He complains that the events have no context and weird things happen to him, as is often the case in dramatic webtoons. So good.
Can't wait to see more!
My good mood from that was really messed with in dance class. We had a different teacher from the studio, and we were doing a song I really don't like and a dance that was really hard.
Here's Gfriend's song "You and I" which is the translation of the Korean title because I cannot for the life of me get the English title right. It's Navillera. I had to google that right now because I first typed Naverilla.
The dance to me makes about as much sense as the title.
It looks good when they do it, but they have a reputation for their dances.
Our attempts:
It really looks fine. But I have never disliked a song and dance so much. I didn't like GG's "I Got a Boy" but I could manage the dance. This one I had no idea what was going on most of the time.
Pau had a good sentiment as we muddled our way through: "Well, I was not a potato today." That's about as optimistic as I could manage.
I'm also not used to this teachers style, so it rubbed me the wrong way. I felt like I wasted my time and it sucks that we only have a few weeks left and can't do a song we like with our teacher and instead have to do this one. I paid for the card so I lose out if I don't go, but it put me in such a bad mood that I feel like I was wrong to go.
I don't like to learn the dances and look stupid. I like learning things and looking good. It's fine if I like the song or all my friends are there and we all look dumb together, but most of the other foreigners didn't come today and most of the class was just as frustrated as us. And I think this song sounds too much like Gfriends other songs, which I do not enjoy a ton. Sigh.
One week of camp and then I'm done done done!!
I hope it goes smoothly.
Not much else to update on. Stay well! I'll be home in a month. Time sure does fly!!